The tehama department of education is a non-profit that works to make the tehama language and culture more accessible for the world. They do this by providing online resources and translations for local educators and students.

For those of you who don’t like the name, tehama is a Bantu language spoken by the people of the Maluti tribe in the eastern part of Namibia. It’s currently spoken by about 3,000 people.

Tehama is a difficult language to understand, and the name of the organization sounds like a school. In fact, their website says in part, “Tehama is a language which was used by the Kaffirs of the Maluti tribe, and also by the Boers who lived in the Nama River, and by the Hottentots and the Zulus. It is also spoken by the Nama, Tswana, Xhosa and Nama people.

There is no reason to believe that Tehama is also the language spoken by the people of the Maluti tribe in Namibia. But who do the Maluti people speak? Does the Maluti have some knowledge of any language other than Malutan? The Maluti people speak other Maluti dialects, and their language is known to be more than that. As they say, they are the language of the Maluti people, and they speak Maluti.

The Malutis speak a variety of dialects of the same language and are the people who speak it. They have their own language spoken by itself, and it is called the Xhosa language. The people who speak those dialects are not closely related to the other people. These are called the Xhosa ethnic group, and they are a different tribe from the ones who speak the Malutis language.

The Xhosa have a different way of speaking and are spoken in different dialects. The Malutis are a language family spoken by the Xhosa people, and they speak the same language. The dialects spoken by the Xhosa and the Malutis are not related.

The Xhosa are one of the three main language families spoken in South Africa, the others being the Khoisan (also called Khoisan) and the Ndebele (also called Ndebele). The Xhosa, Khoisan, and Ndebele are all related languages. The Malutis are spoken in northern Mozambique, Angola, and southern Namibia. The dialects spoken by the Xhosa and Malutis are not related.

It turns out that the Xhosa people are actually from the same people as the Khoisan. They are actually a subgroup of the Khoisan and are related to the Ndebele. The Malutis are related to the Xhosa language. The Malutis are the same language as the Xhosa as well as the Ndebele. The Xhosa, Khoisan, and Ndebele are all related languages.

But wait! This isn’t the good news part! The bad news is that the Xhosa people are actually the same people as the Khoisan. They are related to the Ndebele and are a separate language group within the Ndebele. This means that the Khoisan, Xhosa, and Ndebele are all related languages. That’s not very good news.

The Ndebele is the same language as the Malutis. The Malutis are related to the Ndebele.The Xhosa language is the same language as the Malutis. The Ndebele is related to the Malutis.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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