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To support International Education, we are working with a private donor who has provided us with $250,000.00 to send American students to study abroad in a number of locations in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Spain. Students will study English, Spanish, History, Geography, Geology, or Business. If you’re interested in helping support our missions or have questions, please email us at [email protected].

This is actually a very unique opportunity. The students were originally going to be here for one year but they needed to take a break during that time. We gave them another 90 days in which to do research, complete the projects, and then come back again. The students have been able to complete projects like reading and writing their own language, and have also been studying a lot of Spanish.

This means that the children we help are able to live in the city and work and study and do all the things that are normally associated with the American education system. They would normally be expected to go to college, but our mission is to get students like them who come from a very rural area into the city and then hopefully, after they have completed their studies, they will be able to gain a job. That’s why they are here.

This initiative isn’t just about making sure that American students have the best education possible. It’s also about the environment. The children we help will be able to work in the city and do what they want. They will be able to live in the city and work and study and do all the things that are normally associated with the American education system.

So we will be working on this idea for the first time. For the next couple of years we will be working with the community to help us get started on this project. This will be a very creative project that will help some of the community members get a handle on what this is actually about.

You can donate on our blog or via Paypal. And of course, if you like, you can also help by telling your community about us.

The project is to help people in the developing world around the world get an education. With the lack of educational opportunities, we’ve been working on this for a while and we are finally ready to present you with a list of educational opportunities that we have in place.

Thanks for your help.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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