lake, nature, travel @ Pixabay

A lot of education in the world is like this: you get a class on something, you do the homework, then you do the homework again, and so forth, but the class isn’t just like homework, it’s also called self-education. So, who are we kidding? We all get a self-education class. We just have to sit down, take notes, and go from lesson to lesson.

I hear so much about this, I was wondering what you’d do with it. So I sat down and wrote down a bunch of my own self-educational puns. I thought some of them were a little too funny, but I also think some of them were a little too serious. I feel like we should all be doing this, so here are some of my own self-educational puns.

For some reason, it’s hard to not laugh at these puns.

One of the most annoying things about self-education classes is that the teacher starts by telling us about how we should act and how we should think. Then suddenly we’re all supposed to be doing something else. We’re supposed to be doing this instead of doing this, instead of that. I remember a time, I had a class where I was supposed to write about my relationship with God.

As a teacher, you should be the person teaching the lesson and not the student.

A lot of times in education classes we get taught to be “intelligent” and “critical thinkers”. And yet, we’re also supposed to be “creative” and “creative thinkers”. Why is this such a problem? Because it’s such a simple and obvious thing to do.

I say this because the way the world is taught to teach kids is very simplistic. We teach our kids to think in linear, sequential ways. We teach them to do things in strict, certain ways. We teach them to think in ways that make them conform to a particular way. We teach them to think in the ways that make them look good. We teach them to think in the ways that are “sensible” to make them feel good for the rest of the day.

The problem is all of these things are very simple and obvious, but they can get lost in a world of complicated and abstract ideas. When a child learns to think in a linear way, she may not understand that you can’t just go out and kill all the bad guys and then come back to school and solve all the problems.

One of the other problems with linear thinking is that it’s often difficult to keep track of and track through. A child that learns to think in a linear way may not be able to think for themselves, and even if she does know the answer, her mind hasn’t been trained to do the math.

A child who learns to think in a complex but linear way may have trouble coming up with new answers to old problems. A child that learns to think in a complex but linear way may not be able to remember the answers to old problems. A child who learns to think in a complex but linear way may not be able to remember the answers.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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