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Now that our board is going through some major changes, we wanted to set the record straight on some of the changes our school board made in regards to our district.

One of the biggest changes was to the way the school board is elected. For decades, the school board has had a very strong candidate process. The average voter has no way of knowing who the candidate is, but everyone knows that the candidate will be able to beat the other candidate in the district election. If the district was run as a single person, it would have been very hard for the school board to win a majority of the districts vote.

Nowadays it is far easier for the school board to get elected and hold an election. However, the district may still run as a single candidate, so the school board will have to put together a candidate slate and put it on the ballot.

In the case of the craven county school district, the district board is a single person, but the board of education is run by a board of education. Their vote is really a vote of the school board, which is a vote of the county. That means that they will have to put together a candidate slate and put it on the ballot. That means that there will be a candidate for the district board and then the election of the district board will be split between both candidates.

At the end of this article there is a poll asking the question if the voters should split their vote between the two candidates. If the voters split their vote between the two candidates, the one with the most votes will win. If the voters split their vote between the two candidates, the one with the fewest votes will win.

The first question in the poll is “Do you think the voters should split their vote between the two candidates?”. If the voters split their vote between the two candidates, the one with the most votes will win. If the voters split their vote between the two candidates, the one with the fewest votes will win.

If the voters split their vote between the two candidates, I’m afraid that this is the end of the road for the Craven County Board of Education. The board has been a laughingstock since it was forced to fire two of its teachers after a vote to not renew their collective contract was overturned. The board was forced to bring in a new contract because its own bylaws say they can’t fire a teacher for political reasons.

I’m not here to tell you that this is going to be the end of the world. I’m here to tell you that Im not going to miss the craven county board of education. It was a real piece of work.

Craven County’s board of education is one of those things that really makes you feel like you’re in a cartoon when you see any of the board members on camera. They have a long history of being in the spotlight, and its always entertaining to watch them talk about their childrens’ education. We’ve all seen the video of their meeting where they ask Mr. Dreyfuss to resign because his wife is a stripper.

The board of education is a government agency made up of 12 members, who are elected by the local school districts. They’re required to be at least somewhat friendly with their school districts to be considered for office and vote for the district to get any grants, loans, etc. For the past several decades the board has never lost their cool, even in the face of a student who tried to take their lunch money.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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