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I love boutonning. And I am not afraid to say so.

It’s hard to put this in words that aren’t so cheesy. But it’s true. When you go into a wedding you expect the bride and groom to be happy, and when you go into a wedding, you expect the bride and groom to be happy. But that’s not how it is.

The term boutonniere, meaning “to kiss on the mouth,” is a French-French word that refers to kissing with the mouth open, as in the case of a kiss on the cheek. However, if you’re a French person, you probably wouldn’t understand this. It’s a French word that refers to kissing with the mouth closed, as in the case of a kiss in the mouth.

As a French person, I would definitely say that a closed-mouth kiss is not the same as a kiss on the cheek. Its a little different.

If you’re a French person, you probably wouldnt understand. Its a French word that refers to kissing with the mouth open, as in the case of a kiss on the cheek.

If youre a French person, you probably wouldnt understand, because you wouldnt know what a closed-mouth kiss is. To me, a closed-mouth kiss is a kiss in the mouth, but its an open-mouth kiss. You definitely wouldnt understand.

So, we all know that a closed-mouth kiss is a kiss in the mouth. And as a matter of fact, if youre a French person, you wouldnt understand that. I guess the French might be more comfortable with it because they would think they were kissing with their mouth closed.

But its not going to matter this time. This is not where we’re going to get the French lesson. This is where we’re going to get the “do you know what you’re doing?” lesson. The moment where we realize that the closed-mouth kiss isnt really kissing in the mouth. Its a kiss in the mouth, but its a kiss in the mouth with a little bit of tongue.

Its kind of a funny moment because the French would look at it like it was a joke. They would think that this was some kind of joke or mockery of the kiss. But the people that we were going to kiss, they wouldnt really believe that it was a joke. They would think that this was some kind of joke.

I have to say that I found this part of the video funny. It’s not a joke or mockery of the kiss. It’s a joke on the French. In the video they actually say that they would laugh at the video but then they would look at it like the kiss was a joke. And that’s funny. Its a very French way of thinking. But its a very funny way of thinking because thats what it is.


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